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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Writeup for Srijan Sandhilya - extended version

I never knew the word limit in the writeups on BITSAA site..then i came to know it was just 500 characters but by that time i had written this writeup for my BUDDY srijan...I wanted him to read this so couldnt find any better option than to post it on my blog. If you dont know srijan(what!! you don't know srijan..) i suggest you to click on X button on the top-right corner of your screen(top left in case you are a linux user) as this post is very much classified and none of your concern.So here it goes-

Sreejan(or Srijan..i am still not clear about this thing seeing the variations on facebook and various other sources ..newys chuck it) Sandhilya aka Jhandu….I have known him since the first day on campus itself. He used to be my wingie room no. 309. I was in 304. His first roomie was a sardar who left the college to seek admission in some college in Punjab(what a loser he was to miss on befriending and learning from such a MAGNANIMOUS person) The first time we met he seemed more or less a typical bihari(though he is marwadi by origin) with that accent. Never knew this guy was no ordinary guy like most of us and that some time down the line he is going to prove his real self as an indigenous genius. And even I wasn’t wary of his mastery over sarcasm.
Following some 2 months of lonely nights, he was roomy with the alter ego of gaurav bharadwaj, saurabh bharadwaj( I was there that night to witness them make out ).His most activities include mooting current affairs, boasting of his B knowledge, exploring past facebook statuses of his friends to find somewhere to fit in his ironical comments to make the situation a complete farce, Sleeping with dogs(literally dogs), hagna(this time too literally constipation), savoring chicken(or any other form of bones and meat studded over them),framing jokes about chirag,kicking people out of his room whenever he feels like opening DC and do something nasty(and glutinous), managing fake profiles on facebook and many more harami things you can think of doing in BITS. Still no matter how much of a smug he is..he is really a buddy(he will not agree to this but he is and he knows this).This was proved when on my Birthday when he and gaurav brought an eight-pound cake . I just can’t forget the moment that day. I was so much touched by that moment of torpor and diabetic sweetness that I had never expected from both of them. There are a lot of things that could be learnt from him...most palatable being swimming. Others being modesty, smugness, sybaritism and how to abstain from girls whom you matter how close she was to you or  held the same post in your high school times... just to be sure that you are not at all predictable.
Now no matter how evil or caustic he is/was towards me, i would remember him as one of the most important brick in the wall of my BITSian life. There have been times that I was irate at him because of the times he made me embarrassed and conjectured in front(or mayb on phone) of some of the BITSian gals but still the fun times and confabs we had are more than just to make me pliable of all my cantankerousness.
Hope the fun continues in 8th semester so that he is screwed in his A8 CDCs as much as I am in my A7s(aah just kidding..hope he rocks them just like he did In all CP courses).My comprees start in 4 days still I am writing for him just coz I don’t want to lose this opportunity to banter on him( You won’t find many such opportunities in his case).

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